Your devices may be peeking at more of your personal information than you intend, like your location, photos, and contacts. Take a few minutes to go through your privacy settings, which help you manage the people and apps that have access to your data.
Watch our latest TipUp on how to manage your privacy settings. You can also learn how to clean up your online presence, search online as privately as possible, and visit its.weill.cornell.edu/privacysettings for a master list of links to look at privacy settings for popular apps. Check out our TipUp site to view our past episodes!
Privacy policies & settings for popular devices and apps
You may not realize it, but many of the apps and sites you use include privacy settings you can manage to protect your data. This handy list from the National Cybersecurity Alliance includes direct links to the privacy policies and settings of popular websites across e-Commerce, music streaming, mobile banking, food delivery, and more.
We also recommend checking privacy settings on these popular devices:
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, an annual collaborative effort between government and industry to ensure we have the resources you need to maintain your security online. Throughout October, we’ll be sending you tips on protecting your information and avoiding malicious attempts to extract your personal data. Visit this page for our 2023 tips.