LastPass is a personal password manager that works in conjunction with our institutional password policies. When setting up a LastPass account, you only need to remember one master password. LastPass will generate strong and unique passwords for all of your accounts and remember them for you – whether they are WCM or personal accounts, like your financial or social media services. LastPass also allows you to securely share notes and account information with your colleagues.
LastPass also remembers your passwords when you log into your various accounts and autofills in the information for you. The service is optional for WCM faculty, staff, and students to manage their passwords, but is recommended to help you create and remember strong passwords.
What's Included
Create one master password, and keep the rest locked up and easy-to-find
Access anywhere: Desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet, your account is backed up and synced
Link your work & personal accounts: For a seamless experience, manage both your personal and work passwords by linking the accounts. You’ll be less likely to use the same passwords for personal sites and work sites, which is a security bonus for WCM. And don’t worry... personal passwords are private and accessible only to you.
Upgrade your personal accounts at no additional cost: You’ll get unlimited sync on unlimited devices, and priority support.
Cost and Fees
LastPass is available at no additional cost.
Service Requirements
LastPass is available to WCM faculty, staff, and students.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will LastPass or ITS know the passwords stored in my LastPass accounts?
No. LastPass employs a "zero-knowledge" security model. This means that all sensitive data is encrypted locally at the user's device with a key that is never shared with LastPass or ITS. This model was put to the test during a network breach in June 2015. While master usernames and other data were breached, the encrypted user vaults remained secured. LastPass took immediate action to lock down user accounts and to inform its base.
Is LastPass the same company as 1Password or OnePass?
No. While these companies offer similar password management services, LastPass is its own unique product and company, with its own special set of features. Visit the official LastPass FAQ page
How is LastPass different from myAccount?
myAccount is our official password management service for WCM. It is where you will go to create or change your official WCM password. However, LastPass can be used as an optional support tool to help you manage passwords for both WCM and your personal accounts. It can also help you remember longer and various passwords, if you tend to forget them. It is safer to have LastPass manage your passwords rather than write down what your passwords are somewhere else.