
Magnifying glass on top of a document with bar charts and bullet points and a ballpoint pen (illustration)

ITS Annual Report 2017

ITS has just released its FY2016-2017 Annual Report. An electronic copy is [...cont'd]

Changes to OnTheHub Adobe Creative Cloud offering

Cornell University recently changed its contract with Adobe, which has affected our offerings on Weill Cornell Medicine’s [...cont'd]

Related Service: Adobe Creative Cloud

Security issue identified with OS X High Sierra

Apple has identified a vulnerability within OS X High Sierra that allows unauthorized users access to a computer without inputting a password. [...cont'd]

New Conflicts of Interest (COI) survey enhancements

The Weill Research Gateway (WRG) was recently upgraded to include enhancements to our Conflicts of Interest (COI) survey. Here’s what you will see [...cont'd]

Related Service: Weill Research Gateway

Library’s annual art show winners

The Samuel J. Wood Library celebrated the opening of its 27th Medical Complex and 12th Virtual Complex Art Show with a reception on Wednesday, [...cont'd]

Tech Tuesday Nov. Schedule – Research Lab Websites, Qualtrics Scoring & Microsoft Surface Hub

Join us for a great new schedule of demonstrations for faculty, staff, and students. Each week, our experts will showcase various software and [...cont'd]

Analysis for Excel now available as desktop application for Windows

Analysis for Excel for BI Reporting is now available as a desktop application for Windows computers. Analysis for Excel allows you to use

Related Service: Microsoft Applications

"Inside ITS" Newsletter - Vol. 28

Learn about our new Storage Wizard tool, find the scientific software you need on the Scientific Software Hub & more! [...cont'd]

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