
Hands typing at a laptop. There is a microscope in the background.

Mar. 5: Learn LabArchives for research

Tech Tuesday 

LabArchives Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN)

Tuesday, March 5


Zoom meeting drawing

TipUp: Track attendance in Zoom meetings

Once your Zoom meeting is over, you may be wondering who actually attended your meeting (especially if you had a lot of participants!). [...cont'd]

Related Service: Zoom
New Teams promo screenshot

Introducing the new Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has

Related Service: Microsoft Teams
WHM image

ITS celebrates Women's History Month

ITS will celebrate Women's History Month throughout the month of March by profiling some of the incredible women who work in our department. Every [...cont'd]

Power BI Desktop

Feb. 27: Visualize Your Data with Power BI

Tech Tuesday 

Visualize your data with Power BI

Tuesday, Feb. 27



2/29: Find patients for research with EMERSE

CTSC ARCH Workshop  

Topic: Finding Patients for Research with EMERSE, Electronic Medical Record Search Engine [...cont'd]

Multiple archery targets with arrows in them

Meet your professional goals with LinkedIn Learning & Skillsoft

Have you met your professional goals this fiscal year? If not, there’s still time with the help of LinkedIn Learning [...cont'd]

Related Service: Online Training Libraries
Drawing of a database connecting to files and data

Feb. 13: Communicate with databases using SQL

Tech Tuesday 

Communicate with databases using SQL

Tuesday, Feb. 13 [...cont'd]

Under Construction

Construction in Library Stacks

The Samuel J. Wood Library has partnered with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) Library to provide [...cont'd]

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